Saarathi – Content Creation

Vidhyadaanam’s SAARATHI is a program to bridge the digital divide for students who are untouched by the digital revolution thereby adding opportunities to existing traditional classroom set-up.

Our plan to set-up this smart-TV based learning, necessitates suitable content for viewing.

This arrangement is to be used as a complimentary and helping aid. As a teacher’s assistant only.

Here are the guidelines for content creation:
These guidelines were prepared in consultation with the teachers of these schools.
1) If videos are taken from restricted/no-download sites. Please share the links and not the videos.
2) As much as possible we want to avoid jazzy videos. Please refer to the guidelines next to each topic, in the excel file ( for more details regarding this
3) The current text books are available for download here –!/textbook. Do let us know if you have issues accessing this.
These guidelines and other details are also available here –

Planned chronology:
1) Choose your area/topic
2) Get in touch with us for furthering
3) Conclude and chalk a plan together
4) Prepare content
5) Finalize and review with the concerned teacher/s
6) Add to database
7) Move on to next topic/chapter

Do let us know in case of any queries.